So, You Want To Learn How To Grow Marijuana Outdoors

Pro growers often try to get way too scientific with the cultivation process because they believe that it will help produce a higher quality product. But it’s really not necessary. Now that...

Does Cannabis Help With Bone Health?

As a result of the effectiveness of cannabinoid receptors in the body, THC and CBD are being explored as tools for promoting good bone health. The skeletal system is an essential of...

A List Of Fast Fashion Brands To Avoid & Why

Did you know humans are now consuming 400% more clothing compared to 20 years ago? & that the average American generates 82 pounds of textile waste every single year? We are buying...

How the FBI Stumbled in the War on Cybercrime

Investigating cybercrime was supposed to be the FBI’s third-highest priority, behind terrorism and counterintelligence. Yet, in 2015, FBI Director James Comey realized that his Cyber Division faced a brain drain that...

Over 500 Years Later, MIT Proves That Leonardo Da Vinci’s Bridge Design Works

Researchers at MIT have proven Leonardo da Vinci correct yet again, this time involving his design for what would have been at the time a revolutionary bridge design. Although clients rejected...

They made a material that doesn’t exist on Earth. That’s only the start of...

It sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie: humans are destroying the Earth, gouging huge scars in its crust, and polluting the air and the ground as they mine...

Mississippi’s Missing Search Warrants Prevent Scrutiny of No-Knock Raids

No-knock warrants authorize police to burst into someone’s home unannounced. Search warrants are supposed to be filed at the courthouse, but they’re missing from many of Mississippi’s justice courts. Public defender Merrill...

Joe Manchin’s Price for Supporting the Climate Change Bill: A Natural Gas Pipeline in...

To accommodate the West Virginia senator, Democratic leadership agreed to legislation streamlining permits for the often-stalled Mountain Valley Pipeline and removing jurisdiction from a court that keeps ruling against the project. This...

Agricultural and Pesticide Interests Seek to Appeal Recent Ruling that Bees can be Protected...

SACRAMENTO, Calif.—On Thursday, July 7, 2022, a consortium of agricultural and pesticide interests filed a petition for review with the California Supreme Court seeking to appeal a recent unanimous ruling by California's Third...

New Records Show the NYPD’s Favored Punishment: Less Vacation Time

After the repeal of a state law shielding New York police officers’ disciplinary histories from disclosure, the New York Police Department in March released several years’ worth of disciplinary records for...